For those of you in striking distance of Seattle, Washington, this coming weekend presents the annual opportunity to get as much Partch, on Partch's original instruments, as you can. Charles Corey will lead the assembled forces in a wide-ranging collection of Partch pieces. There are concerts and symposia (for those inclined to the spoken (academic) word) and ample opportunity to see a large percentage of the instruments in action. Events start on Friday and run through Sunday (May 11-13).
Just some of the many pieces to be performed over the three days of music and lectures.
Of note among the performances are two opportunities to hear the complete Wayward sequence (Barstow, San Francisco, The Letter and U.S. Highball). This will constitute the second half of the program on both Saturday and Sunday's main concerts. We hope that you will attend, not only to support the ongoing efforts to keep this vital legacy alive but to experience - first hand, in the room - the full corporeal nature of Partch's instrument in glorious, ecstatic display. Hats off in advance to Charles Corey, director of the ensemble and the person who put this all together, and to Dr. Richard Karpen, Dean of the Music Dept., for the continued support of the Harry Partch program at UW.
Complete details on the programs, event times, ticketing and all logistics can be found at the UW Events Page.