The story and life of Harry Partch contained many chapters, and the decades since his passing have not changed this. A chapter begins, things occur and at some point, the chapter closes. We are once again at the cusp of one of those closures.
This week marks the end of a five year residency for the instruments and music at the University of Washington, Seattle, all under the musical and artistic leadership of Dr. Charles Corey. “Chuck” had been an assistant with Dean Drummond at Montclair State in New Jersey, and after Mr. Drummond’s untimely passing it was up to Chuck to fulfill a commitment: a production of “The Wayward” at Carnegie Hall in 2014.
The Harry Partch Ensemble performing Partch’s “The Wayward” at Zankel Hall.
Credit...Ruby Washington/The New York Times
Montclair decided to not renew a relationship with the instruments. Corey had presented Partch’s music previously at UW, and upon hearing of the transient nature of the situation, Music Department Chair Dr. Richard Karpen reached out and made an offer to support the instruments for a period of time. As it turns out, this week is the end of that period.
Chuck has done a fine job of presenting a wide and varied selection of Partch’s works over the last 5 years, notably a staging of “Oedipus” and another Wayard, a concert presentation of an early version of “The Bewitched” and much more. Of critical importance to us is that he also saw to the upkeep and maintenance of the instruments - all original, all Partch-made. If it were only for that, he would have earner our gratitude. Finally, he did the one thing that is necessary for this to all happen: he built an ensemble. Combining students with local professional musicians, Chuck patiently taught the skills needed for each instrument and brought together a large number of people to present these works. There was a nice summation of these years and these happenings in a piece by Peter Tracy, “The Instruments of Harry Partch: Whimsy, Community and Microtones”
There will be three opportunities to see and hear the instruments in Meany Hall on campus this week: Tuesday, Nov. 19; Thursday, Nov. 21; and Friday, Nov. 22. (Please see links for program info, as some programs are shared with other works)
I wish that I could be there for the final soundings, as I’ve made friends with a number of the ensemble members beyond Chuck. They have done their part in the long legacy of musicians working on Harry’s behalf, and for this I am grateful. My mentor and Partch’s long-time associate and heir, Danlee Mitchell, will be in attendance. I will make a note here on the site as future developments open. There are many chapters to a story and only one final chapter. This is not necessarily that chapter.
If one is concerned about the instruments moving after a five year stay, ponder Partch’s own multiple moves over a 16 year period. This is not the first time for a transient ensemble of musical sculptures.