I try to remember to catch this date, even when at times I haven't done much else. It was on June 24, 1901 that Harry Partch came into this world and in ways small and large, left an indelible mark. I posit nothing absolutely about what he would think of how things have played out since his death in 1974, though knowing him just a bit, I certainly have a good clue. If nothing else, he would range somewhere in the continuum between bemusement and extreme aggravation. It is even possible that he would chuckle at how much notice his work has gotten in the academic world, a world that he was at odds with most of his life. It's a shame that more of that attention couldn't have been there during his lifetime.
In any event, he's not here and can't join in any celebrations. A decade+ ago I threw together a little something for a one-day flinging of microtones, an online showcase of small-interval sounds. Just for the hell of it, I've dragged it out, because Harry inspired it. The vigor with which he showed his distaste for hands-off summations of art comes through in just a few words. His guest appearance is an urgent poking to actually do something!
The Annual Observance: On this day...
Born on this day in 1901. You do the math.